The incident
that happened on Thursday, 20th November, is a big disgrace, in my
own terms. Such shouldn’t be heard of leaders. Isn’t it enough disgrace already
that our lawmakers curse one another and exchange punches during meetings? And now
this! No matter what it was that must have happened, that shouldn’t warrant a
man (let alone someone who most people look up to) to scale fence.
Growing up
as children, we were told what is morally right and wrong and strictly advised
tp always do that which is right or otherwise get severely punished for not
adhering to the rules. But one thing is, while the adult tells you never to do
this because it’s not right, they themselves would do same in your very
presence and you know what, no body punishes them for it(You don’t expect them
to punish their precious selves, do you?) because they are adults and are permitted
to do whatever they want. Isn’t this indirectly saying that you are above the
law once you have grown to a certain level. In other words, you are above the
law when you are in power. And funny thing, as our culture demands, as a child,
you dare not tell an adult that what they are doing is wrong, otherwise, you
still get punished for so doing, in most cases. So, all a child got to do in
this situation, is stay calm and only wait patiently and aspire to become an
adult where they can then start enjoying these privileges that come with being
an adult. (My God, this is how much the so called culture has dealt with us!)
Sadly, this
is the situation we find ourselves in today. The man in power is free to break
rules as long as they hold power. Rules and morals are only meant for the inferior
who has no say. Mark it that this is not just in politics. It is seen in every
aspect of our lives, in the family, at work place, and any place you can think
I am not a
politician, neither am I loyal to any political party of any sort. I am that
person that writes according to the inspirations I get. Okay, that said, let me
The National
Assembly crisis on Thursday, happened because most of us are so overtaken by the
authorities that we have. It is really a shame where we have found ourselves. They
say those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I thought leaders
are supposed to lead by examples?
I don’t know
if anyone else saw what I saw but when I watched those lawmakers climbing fence
and jumping over and hailing and admiring themselves for it, I wondered whether
they were doing that for the good of the country or for their personal
purposes. Without meaning to insult anyone, I saw men who were desperate to
prove a point. Men, who were ready to die in order to score some cheap
political point. Little wonder the chants and songs of victory when they
finally scaled through and gained access to the house.
Then I wondered
again what it was that they were actually scamping to go and discuss that couldn’t
wait. I mean, I would understand, if they just heard of the kidnapped Chibok
girls and were going to discuss how to rescue them. I would understand if it
was a matter of life and death.
I was told
you don’t take laws into your hands. My point: even if they were wronged before
they took that drastic action, they should have employed a better approach to
the issue.
There are
diplomatic ways of settling issues if you really want things settled.
Most times, I
wonder if anyone knows why they are put in power. It is not because of your ‘humble’
self but because of the people committed into your hands.
If our
lawmakers and all our leaders could use this kind of energy and desperation the
right way, terrorism would have been thoroughly dealt with; the kidnapped
Chibok girls wouldn’t last for more than two days in the hands of Boko Haram; unemployment
in this country could have been eradicated; there wouldn’t be the problem of
housing in our major cities; there would be constant Power Supply in all the
nooks and crannies of this country; the rich wouldn’t continue to get richer
and the poor poorer; one man wouldn’t be richer than the whole country;
Corruption would be have been history;
Don’t you
think everything would work if our leaders love, value and hold the interests
of the people at heart the way they do their various political parties members’?
Someone said
ours is not an ideal society. Yet, we are not ready to stretch ourselves and
work hard to make it one. BUT, we are ready to DIE and kill others, if
possible, just to score a point.
I think it’s time we began thinking in this country. And not forgetting to take appropriate actions as well.
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